Our 50th Episode

Martin Ramsay celebrates his 50th video blog! Give us your feedback. What would you like Martin to talk about in future episodes?

If you want to encourage these video blogs to keep appearing, please fill out the Sign Me Up! box and you'll never miss another video.

Also, be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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Principles of Information Technology 4 of 5

Have you ever felt like your data was being held hostage by your information system? You know your data is in there, but you just can't get the information system to give it to you.

In this fourth episode in a series on the five principles Business Information Technology Deployment, Martin Ramsay discusses how we get information OUT of our systems. The third principle focused on capturing data IN to the system. The fourth principle focuses on obtaining access to that data in useful ways to better support business strategies and decision-making. The idea is to turn raw data, locked away inside an information system, into information we can use.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries. And be sure and sign up to receive notifications when a new video is released. Fill out the Sign Me Up! box and you'll never miss another video.

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Minimizing Risk

What do you think about risk? Are you someone who secretly enjoys risk? Or do you play it safe?

Martin Ramsay doesn't think we can ever eliminate risk. But, when it comes to business processes, we certainly can and should take steps to minimize it. In this brief video, Martin describes a simple "formula" he uses to think about process risk and the potential for negative consequences. The key is to start by recognizing where potential failures could occur, thus identifying points of risk.

Watch this video to get Martin's thoughts on his simple risk minimization formula and how it might apply to your work.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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The Secret Life of Hummingbirds

Do you get all worked up over things that, in the long run, are just not that important? The secret life of hummingbirds can shed some light on having a broader perspective.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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Putting Salt in their Oats

Complete this sentence: "You can lead a horse to water, but ..."

If you live in the USA, you probably know this adage. It speaks to human motivation and the limits to our ability to force anyone to do what we want them to do. A recent experience at CEATH Company's Pedagogy and Technology Conference leads Martin Ramsay to think about what his grandmother used to add to that old saying. Grandma Ramsay's addition puts a different spin on motivation. But you'll have to watch the video to find out what it is.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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Goodbye Coldwater Creek

What happened to Coldwater Creek? According to the company web site, "On April 11, 2014, Coldwater Creek filed for bankruptcy in order to facilitate an orderly wind-down of our operations." The move was required because "the Company and its advisors were unable to find a potential buyer for the Company or a source of capital to provide adequate liquidity to fund the Company's ongoing strategic turnaround initiatives."

What happened to the company? In this video blog, Martin Ramsay considers some of the possible reasons for Coldwater Creek's untimely demise. A clue came from a 70 year old clerk who has worked for Coldwater Creek for ten years. Watch this blog to learn what she said. Then judge for yourself whether or not she is on to something ... and what it might mean for your organization.

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Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.

Unintended Consequences

"Be careful what you measure, because you may actually get it." In this video blog, Martin Ramsay counters conventional wisdom that says you should measure what you hope to accomplish.

There is truth in the idea of measuring what you expect to achieve, that you should "inspect what you expect." But sometimes the result has unintended consequence. Using a very real example from a CEATH Company manufacturing client, Martin suggests that measurements that are not extremely well thought out do not always achieve the desired goal and instead, drive organizational behavior toward something than is unintended, even counterproductive.

Be sure to use the cloud of tags to the right to find other related videos. For example, The Catfish Principle discusses being clear about your organization's purpose and Is Your Mission Your North Star? points out the role of an organization's mission in achieving its goals.

Be sure and check out Martin's previous blog entries.

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Force Field Analysis

The Force Field Analysis tool is a simple yet powerful technique for analyzing the forces for and against a change. When beginning any change journey, it is wise to look at all the forces that will help you implement the change, and all those forces that are arrayed agains it. In this blog, Martin Ramsay shows us how to construct a Force Field Analysis and discusses some of the ways to use the analysis for making change.

Other video blogs that discuss change and the tools for change include Do People Resist Change?, The Merlin Technique, and The Factory on a Desk-Top™.

Be sure and check out other blog entries from the list on the right.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.

Content vs. Process

A CEATH Company client once said, "I don't care about process. I only care about results!"

Such an attitude is naive at best. A good process gives the best opportunity for delivering the desired results. Ignoring process most likely will not deliver the results you want.

In this blog, Martin Ramsay discusses the difference between content and process.

Be sure and check out earlier blog entries from the list on the right.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

This is the second of a two-part series about processes. In this video blog, Martin Ramsay ask whether efficiency is the same a effectiveness in a process. The answer is "no" -- the two are not the same. Martin explains why, which leads to a discussion again about the importance of purpose and knowing where your processes are going.

This video blog is part two of two parts. Review Video Blog 20 for a discussion of processes in general and the components that go into making a process.

Also, be sure and check out earlier blog entries from the list on the right.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.

The Change Journey

Martin Ramsay continues the important theme of "change" begun in Blog 7. He emphasizes that knowing where you're going and having a vision for the future are vital if change is to be positive and successful. Today's blog talks about the change journey with focus on the end goal.

Be sure and check out earlier blog entries from the list on the right.

Sponsored by CEATH Company.